

I'M Mohamed

Android Developer

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About Me

Hi, I am a Junior programmer at Faculty of Computers & Informatics at Suez Canal University.

I am a competitive programmer at Codeforces, LeetCode, AtCoder, and Codechef.

I'm looking to collaborate with other developers.

I like reading.

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My Services

I am offer a variety of development and design services to solve any business need.

Mobile App Development

With the proliferation of smartphone technology, it is more important than ever for brands to engage with their customers through effective and memorable mobile applications.

Web Development

Web applications are foundational to the success of any organization. Building captivating tools with simplified user experiences facilitates a direct digital engagement with end users that is not possible via traditional means. Creating these solutions with the end consumer in mind is essential for any successful product to find market traction with its targeted users.

App Design

You have the vision; it’s our job to turn it into a reality. We’ll sit down with your team, listen to your ideas, and turn those ideas into a workable concept for a mobile/web application. Then our designers will work together to give your concept life. You’ll get to watch as we transform your idea into a beautiful clickable prototype, asking questions and offering feedback along the way. We won’t finish design until we test to make sure your prototype reflects realistic functionality.

My Profile

Some Of My Distinguished Works

Codeforces Profile

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AtCoder Profile

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CodeChef Profile

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GitHub Profile

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Let's Talk

Do you want to learn more about how I can help your company overcome problems? Let us have a conversation.

Copyrights @ Mohamed Ashraf